
Scorpio moons are a deeply feeling bunch of people. These intuitive and innately psychic beings do best when they allow themselves to be fully seen by people they trust. It takes a great deal to get past the defensive walls of a Scorpio moon’s heart, but once you’ve crossed their emotional drawbridge, they are the most fiercely loyal and protective of their counterparts. Scorpio moon people have a tendency to withdraw from social settings full of strangers and acquaintances and dislike giving their energy out to just anyone. They have a disdain for small talk and find it very difficult to have surface-level conversations, especially when they feel that the other person has ill intentions or ulterior motives. They are on high alert when it comes to feeling like they are being used or manipulated, though they themselves can sometimes struggle not to let their desire for control take over when they are connecting with others.

Scorpio moons tend to have perfectionist tendencies and can oftentimes be their own harshest critics. They want to feel deeply about their partners, their careers, and their passion projects and will usually be the first one in and last one out of any activity they are partaking in. Sensual and seductive, this moon placement enjoys the rush that they feel when capturing the eye of potential lovers. Even in their most natural state, these folks are intoxicating to the people around them. The Scorpio moon placement may have dealt with hardship in their early life, but if they are willing to embrace their role as emotional alchemists, these people can end up being some of the happiest and most successful of all the zodiac signs. Their entire existence is built on the birth-death-rebirth cycle, so it’s important for them to embrace change and transformation early on.