
Cancer moons are at ease with their emotions. These are the type of people who feel comfortable to cry with sad songs or movies, laugh loud on a first date if they think a joke is genuinely funny, or express their anger instead of letting their feelings fester. Cancer moons do best in professions and relationships where they can feel a full range of emotions and be celebrated for their sensitivity. They are prone to depressive cycles if their vulnerabilities do not have a proper outlet. They will do best to invest their time and money into creative hobbies, proper support networks (counseling, mentors, healing arts), and ultimately live a life of reciprocity with those around them.

These folks can read other people’s energy like no other and operate from a space of empathy at nearly all hours of the day. It may be difficult for them to be out in public or in large group settings for too long as they soak up other people’s feelings like a sponge. They do best in one-on-one conversations, or hosting in the safety of their own home. Their emotions shift much like the phases of the moon, and it’s important for them to carve out time to process through all of them. They do well with regular journaling, meditating, and time spent reflecting in nature. For Cancer moons, they need a supportive and trustworthy network of friends and close confidants in order to feel truly loved.